Animation Explained by Megan Friesth
I write, illustrate, and animate educational animations and teach motion design.
Create then Animate: Beginner Workflow in Adobe Illustrator & After Effects
Easy Animated Icons in Adobe After Effects
Animated Lettering in Adobe After Effects
Animated Typography in Adobe After Effects
3D Animated Lettering in Adobe After Effects
Smooth Moves: Better Motion with Animation Curves in the Graph Editor
Animating Morphing Icons in Adobe After Effects
Limber Character Rigging to Secondary Animation in Adobe After Effects
Character Rigging & Animation FUNdamentals in Adobe After Effects
Animated Arrows - Project File & Preset
Beginner AE Keyboard Shortcuts
AE Keyboard Shortcuts
Text Animator Presets
Mattes Project File - AE Fundamentals
Line Art Flowers Project File
Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts
Loop Expressions Project File
Speed Up After Effects Cheat Sheet